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About Us

Orion is a globally operating Finnish pharmaceutical company – a builder of well-being.

FinOrion Pharma India

FinOrion in India was established in the year 2008 in Mumbai as a liaison office. From April 2012, the India office became a wholly owned subsidiary of Orion Group, named as 'FinOrion Pharma India Private Limited'. A presence in India provides an opportunity for Orion to strengthen the business relationship with the current partners and support the head quarter in various office activities. FinOrion focuses mainly on Supply Chain and Product Development & Lifecycle Management activities. There are different functions like Procurement, Packaging Technology, Pharmaceuticals, Regulatory, Quality assurance, GMP and EHS Compliance etc. which contribute to various product life cycle management roles.

At FinOrion, we are committed to offer a dynamic international work environment that prioritizes quality and nurtures the talents of diverse, multi-skilled individuals. We actively promote a good working atmosphere and value employee well-being. Our workplace is characterized as one with good management practices based on our core value of mutual trust and respect.